
The Mayflower Primary School

Sport Premium

Swimming Data

Last academic year (23/24), 59% of pupils achieved all three of the KS2 curriculum objectives...


  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.
  • Use a range of strokes effectively (foe example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke)
  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.


Sports Premium Statement 2023/2024

Sports premium Statement 2022-2023

Sports premium Statement 2021-2022

Impact of Sports Premium

We strive for more children to be both engaged in and enjoy sporting activity and physical exercise. Through the target spending of our allocation of the Sports Premium Funding, we aim to...


  • Engage all pupils in regular activity through enhanced OPAL provision.
  • Raise the profile of P.E. and sport across the school through the use of pupil canvases, participation badges and 'player of the match' medallions.
  • Provide a variety of sporting experience to all pupils through lunchtime/afterschool clubs - including team sports (football, netball, rugby, hockey, dodgeball and cricket), individual sports (tennis and squash) and holistic activities (yoga).
  • Provide extensive opportunity to compete in sporting events. Hosting four internal competitions (events), as well as entering numerous local, reginal and national events.
  • Increase teacher confidence by providing each staff member with 18 hours of CPD.
  • Improve the swimming tuition in the summer term for year 6 pupils.