
The Mayflower Primary School

School Governors




Do you care about children’s education or are you concerned about how a School is run and financed?

If you have some time to spare, are able to attend meetings (usually between 4pm-6pm) and can call into school during lesson times on various occasions, then why not become a School Governor at Mayflower Primary School and have some input in this important and rewarding role?  You will also be expected to attend Governor Training sessions either locally or at Colchester and read school policies etc. 

Whatever your background if you are interested, please contact the Chair of Governors, John Morgan via  email at  to arrange an informal discussion.  At the moment, we are particularly keen to hear from potential Governors who have a background in finance and/or have an understanding of data and statistics and how to interpret these.


Mayflower Governor Attendance

Mayflower Primary School Instrument of Governance

Our Governing Body


What is it?

All schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’: to support, to challenge, to ask questions, ultimately to represent the school community.


The Governing Body works in close partnership with the headteacher, staff and the local authority.  Whilst the headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance. It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives.


The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The chair and vice-chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year.


The chair of governors is Mr. John Morgan who can be contacted via the school office.


 At The Mayflower Primary School, the Full Governing Body meet once per term with additional Committee meetings.


The governing body of The Mayflower Primary School is currently:


Chair of Governors:          

Mr. John Morgan


Vice Chair of Governors:

Mrs. Lynn Walker


Co-opted Governor:

Mrs. Lynn Walker

Mr. Gerry Deane

Mrs. Tracey Cochrane



Local Authority Governor:    



Staff Governor:                       

Miss. Emily Stephens


Parent Governor:      

Mrs. Helena Pitcher



Mrs. Elizabeth Bartholomew      



Clerk to Governors:        

Mrs. Louise Cockerton                            


Our Chair of Governors and Clerk to the Governors can be contacted via the school office.



Governor Profiles:-



                                                         John Morgan - Chair of Governors

                                      Appointed by GB/Board 13/09/21




I have had a long career in education: I was Headteacher of three very different schools in Suffolk and Essex, after which I ran two Teacher Training providers in the area.   During this time, I maintained a close association with Mayflower Primary School in various capacities. With my expertise in education and living in Harwich, I want to support my local school to achieve the best for its pupils. I enjoy being part of the Mayflower School community - a school which has a lot to offer its pupils.



Lynn Walker - Vice Chair of Governors

Appointed by GB/Board October 2023



I was a primary school teacher for over 25 years, teaching 3-11 year olds. Until recently I was Programme Manager for the school-centred initial teacher training based at Chase Lane Primary School, training teachers for local primary schools. By becoming a governor I hope to apply my experiences to the advantage of  Mayflower Primary School.




                                      Lisa Gridley - Local Authority Governor






  Emily Stephens - Staff Governor


I have worked at Mayflower since September 2020, I started teaching in Year 2 and I am currently teaching in Year 6. I really enjoy working at Mayflower - the pupils are amazing and the school is a growing vibrant community. My experience of working daily with our pupils, alongside my colleagues, will give me a unique insight of the school to bring to the governing body. 









All governors to a school’s Governing Body must be elected or appointed.


If you want to be part of The Mayflower Primary School’s Governing Body please enquire about any vacancies.


Contact the Headteacher.




If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors, please do so using the contact form below.



Chair Of Governors
