
The Mayflower Primary School


  • Welcome Letter from Mrs Bartholomew

    Wed 06 Sep 2017

    Dear Parents / Carers,


    Welcome back to the start of an exciting year! I hope you all had a relaxing break and that the children are refreshed and ready to learn! Thank you for welcoming me on the gate so warmly this morning; it was lovely to be able to meet so many of you and your delightful children.


    I would like to welcome our new teaching staff and to remind you of teacher’s names, roles and classroom responsibilities.


    EYFS: Mrs Crawford (RKC) EYFS lead and Miss Timms (RLT)

    Year 1: Miss Lilley (1KL) and Mrs Turner (1ET)

    Year 2: Miss Simmonds (1JL) and Mrs Black (2CB) KS1 lead

    Year 3: Miss Rowe (3LR) Lower KS2 lead and Miss Brennan (3AB)

    Year 4: Mrs Dowman (3JD) and Mrs Harnett (3KH)

    Year 5: Mrs Firkins (Senco) and Mrs Wright (5KFW) and Ms Howard (5KH)

    Year 6: Mrs Tanya Allday (6TA) and Mrs Stokes (6ES)

    Mrs Wright, the newly appointed Deputy Head teacher, will be teaching in Year 5 together with Mrs Firkins, the SENCO.


    A few reminders regarding the school day: at 8.45 am the gate will open and pupils will line up on the playground with their class teacher. The gate closes at 8.55am, so please ensure you have left the playground by then.


    With regard to uniform, all parents were directed to our new uniform policy in July (which can be found on the website), in preparation for the new term. I’d like to say a massive THANK YOU to all the families who have sent their children in today looking fabulous in their new clothes! Please can I remind you that hair must be tied back at all times, if long enough, and that hair appendages are not appropriate in school. Large bows and ‘Alice’ bands are very pretty, but they are not school uniform, so please save those for the weekend, thank you.

    Although there will be a lot of changes over the coming months, I can assure you they will all be in the best interests of your children. We all look forward to building positive relationships with you and thank you for your ongoing support of The Mayflower Primary School.


    Yours truly,

    Mrs E. Bartholomew

    Head Teacher

  • Report your child's absence by email

    Mon 04 Sep 2017

    You can now report your child's absence via email - please click on the link below

